
Nice Business Data photos

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A few nice business data images I found:

“Self portraits = important for random business blind dates” #me #opinions #crazyisgood / SML.20130122.SC.Flickr.seeminglee.sets.72157603637558927.Me.Opinions
business data
Image by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML
“Self portraits = important for random business blind dates” #me #opinions #crazyisgood

Some people form the opinion that self portraits are narcissistic. The truth is, they serve a purpose. I often go meet random people in the wild for business.

The problem is that although it is customary for personal blind dates to send photo for each other, it is not as customary for business blind dates to send visual references.

The result is looking like an idiot trying to figure out which Joe Schmo you are meeting. The worst thing that you want is looking like you are trying to pick up strangers in random cafes.

When I meet anyone that I don’t know. I always send them my visual references. It is important. Usually I also send them my stats: 36yo, 6 ft 2 in (188cm), 32w. Important stats for dating is just as useful for business hookups / meet ups, I think.

Screenshot: SML Me = See-ming Lee’s singleton instances: www.flickr.com/photos/seeminglee/sets/72157603637558927/w... #me

/ SML.20130122.SC.Flickr.seeminglee.sets.72157603637558927.Me.Opinions
/ #SMLScreenshots #CCBY #SMLMe #SeemingLee #SMLPhotography #SMLUniverse #SMLNET #SMLFlickr Crazyisgood
/ #screenshots opinions #Flickr #sets #humans #biobots #people #men #LGBT #同志 #gay #stats #data #business #blind #dates #hookups #meetups #random
