
Nice Insurance Business photos

Some cool insurance business images:

Hail stone sampling
insurance business
Image by State Farm
A sample of hail stones collected following a storm in rural Nebraska. The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) is studying hailstorms in the Central Plains region in an attempt to better understand the characteristics of damaging hail, which depends on size, density and hardness of hailstones. State Farm is sponsoring the project and participated in the field research.

2012 College of Business Early Career Achievement Awards

Check out these business degree images:

2012 College of Business Early Career Achievement Awards
business degree
Image by Homecoming at Illinois State
Early Career Achievement Awards (ECAA) recognize younger graduates who have demonstrated innovative and responsible professional leadership, the potential for future distinction, and a commitment to serving others. One honoree is selected from each degree program. They return to campus to receive their award and share advice with current students through panel discussions during Homecoming celebrations at Illinois State University. View more photos at www.illinoisstatehomecoming.com.

2012 College of Business Early Career Achievement Awards
business degree
Image by Homecoming at Illinois State
Early Career Achievement Awards (ECAA) recognize younger graduates who have demonstrated innovative and responsible professional leadership, the potential for future distinction, and a commitment to serving others. One honoree is selected from each degree program. They return to campus to receive their award and share advice with current students through panel discussions during Homecoming celebrations at Illinois State University. View more photos at www.illinoisstatehomecoming.com.

Nice Buy Business photos

A few nice buy business images I found:

Crash jp Morgan Buy Silver Hebrew - stanley fischer
buy business
Image by שאול חנוכה Shaul Hanuka
למה סטנלי פישר לא קונה זהב או כסף
סטנלי פישר, נגיד בנק ישראל, רכש בשנתיים האחרונות יותר מ40 מיליארד דולר והעלה את יתרות מטבע החוץ של ישראל לשיא של כל הזמנים. כ 70 מיליארד דולר. בכל השנתיים האלו בנק ישראל לא קנה ולו אונקיה אחת של כסף, זהב או מתכת יקרה אחרת. לא זאת ועוד, סטנלי פישר אסר על מספר בנקים ישראלים מלהשקיע במתכות יקרות.

כדי להבין מדוע סטנלי פישר רוכש בשם מדינת ישראל מטבע שההיצע האמיתי שלו עלה פי חמש מאז 2007 במקום להשקיע במתכות יקרות כדאי להציץ ברזומה של חברנו מרודזיה.

מי הוא סטנלי פישר ?
מהכתוב בויקיפדיה:

"מינואר 1988 עד אוגוסט 1990 שימש כסגן נשיא לפיתוח כלכלה וכלכלן ראשי של הבנק העולמי... בפברואר 2002 עבר פישר לסקטור הפרטי ועד אפריל 2005 כיהן פישר כסגן יו"ר סיטיגרופ, הבנק המסחרי הגדולה בעולם דאז. במסגרת תפקיד זה, פישר שימש בין היתר כראש קבוצת הסקטור הציבורי, יושב ראש הוועדה לסיכון מדינה בתאגיד, ונשיא סיטיגרופ אינטרנשיונל.
במהלך כהונתו בקרן המטבע ובעקבות מעברו לסיטיגרופ נמתחה על פישר ביקורת כי ייצג קבוצות אינטרסים בממשל ארצות הברית. ב-2002 פרסם ג'וזף שטיגליץ, חתן פרס נובל לכלכלה, ביקורת נוקבת כלפי פישר בספרו "אי נחת בגלובליזציה". בספר הוא מותח ביקורת חריפה על קרן המטבע העולמית בתקופה שפישר היה אחד מבכיריה. שיטגליץ רמז לניגוד עניינים בהתנהלותו של פישר וכתב:
"אפשר לשאול האם פישר תוגמל מפני שעשה בקרן המטבע העולמית את מה שהממשל האמריקני הורה לו לעשות?"‏"

מה שמשותף לבנק העולמי, לקרן המטבע העולמית ולסיטי גרופ הוא דבר אחד. כולם עסוקים מאז תחילת שנות השבעים בלהסתיר את האינפלציה האמיתית של הדולר ואת הפיחות הזוחל בערכו האמיתי. אינפלציה שמקורה בהחלטתו של הנשיא ריצ'רד ניקסון לבטל את הגיבוי בזהב לדולר האמריקאי.

אחד הדברים שכל הבנקים הגדולים נאלצו לעשות בשנים האחרונות כדי לשמר את הדולר כמטבע החזק בעולם, בו מתבצעות עסקאות בין מדינות, הוא לדכא את מחירי המתכות היקרות. ביחוד את הכסך והזהב. זאת ע"י קניית עסקאות שורט של כסף ומתכות אחרות.

הבנק שמחזיק הכי הרבה חוזים בשורט לכסף הוא ג'יי פי מורגן. הערכות מדוייקות למדי מדברות על הקף כולל של 1.5 טריליון דולר, זאת אחרי רכישת ברס סטרנס שפשט את הרגל. מדובר בכסף שאין לו ושאינו יכול לספק.

מכל זה ניתן להבין שהכסף, למרות העליה החדה במחירו בזמן האחרון, עדיין נמכר במחיר זול מההצע האמיתי בשוק.

ברור איפה שמדיניות בנק ישראל בהנהגתו של סטנלי פישר לא באה לשרת את הבטחון הכלכלי של מדינת ישראל אלא לשרת את אדוניו הישנים של סטנלי פישר. הבנק העולמי, קרן המטבע העולמית ויותר מכל את הבנקים הגדולים בארה"ב שעושים כל שביכולתם להסתיר מצד אחד את פיחותו של הדולר ומצד שני מדפיסים עוד מיליארדים של דולרים בימים אלו ממש.

כמו בימי הרומאים, ההנהגה שיושבת בקיסריה, משרתת אימפריה שיושבת מעבר לים ולא את אזרחי ישראל. ברגע שהבלוף הגדול של ערך הדולר יתגלה כל יתרת המט"ח של ישראל לא תהיה שווה כלום ושום דבר. לכן הדרך היחידה גם לשמור על ההון האישי של כל ישראלי וגם לצאת חוצץ נגד האימפריה הנופלת ארה"ב היא לרכוש כסף ממשי. שהרי מי ששולט בשוק ה-ETF הם אותם בנקים המורידים את ערך הכסף ע"י מכירת כסף שאין להם. דרישה מספיק גדולה של כסף ממשי תפיל את מגדל הקלפים הזה אחת ולתמיד.
Why Doesn't Stanley Fischer Buy Gold and Silver ?
Stanley Fischer, the current Governor of the Bank of Israel, bought More Than 40 Milliard US Dollars In the last 2 years, and brought the Israeli Foreign Currency Reserves to a whole times record of 70 Milliard US Dollars. While Doing So The Bank Of Israel Didn't Buy One Ounce Of Gold OR Silver !!!

Who is Stanley Fischer ?
from wikipedia:

"From January 1988 to August 1990 he was Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist at the World Bank. He then became the First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, from September 1994 until the end of August 2001. By the end of 2001 Dr. Fischer had joined the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty. After leaving the IMF, he served as Vice Chairman of Citigroup, President of Citigroup International, and Head of the Public Sector Client Group. Dr. Fischer worked at Citigroup from February, 2002 to April, 2005."

Ben Bernanke, received his Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1979. His thesis was named "Long-term commitments, dynamic optimization, and the business cycle" and his thesis adviser was Stanley Fischer.

So although Stanley Fischer is the current Governor of the Bank of Israel, the only thing on his mind is keeping the US Dollar in a strong position. Stanley Fischer doesn't only buy US Dollars. He also forbids Israeli banks buying precious metals ETF's. By doing so he puts the Israeli economy at risk, using it's entire economy as a pawn on the global market still ruled by his old bosses, The IMF, The World Bank and Citigroup.

Just like in the times of the first Jewish-Roman War, the governing elite of Israel living at Caesarea is serving the collapsing empire and it's interests on the back of the Israeli peasants. The only way Israelis can save what capital they have is buy REAL silver and REAL gold. The minute the US Dollar will fall as it must, the NIS will fall with him dew to the astronomic pile of useless USD that is held by the Central Bank Of Israel.

Israelis, this is for your own good ! Buy Silver & Crash JP Morgan !!!

An Hebrew version for the crash jp morgan buy silver campaign by Max Keiser.

CC art work

Celebrity Solstice. Adam Tihany. Restaurant. Grand Epernay.

Celebrity Solstice. Adam Tihany. Restaurant. Grand Epernay.

A few nice celebritys images I found:

Celebrity Solstice. Adam Tihany. Restaurant. Grand Epernay. celebritys
Image by Tom Mascardo 1 The main dining room on the Solstice, designed by Adam Tihany. It was a nice departure from the usual way main dining rooms look on cruise ships. They sometimes chose really cheesy colors for the LED accents (here it's in blue) - but other than that it was a ppretty schanzzy main dining room. Felt like a place where they might shoot a scene of Mad Men. Celebrity Solstice is the first of five in the Solstice Class of vessels deployed by Celebrity Cruises on behalf of Royal Caribbean International. Other vessels in the Solstice class include the Celebrity Equinox and the Celebrity Eclipse.

Celebrity Solstice celebritys
Image by Drewski2112 Seen arriving in the early morning to the west side of Smith Cove cruise terminal.

Nice Famous Dead Celebrities photos

Nice Famous Dead Celebrities photos

Check out these famous dead celebrities images:

Image from page 463 of "Kings of the hunting-field : memoirs and anecdotes of distinguished masters of hounds and other celebrities of the chase with histories of famous packs, and hunting traditions of great houses" (1899) famous dead celebrities
Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: kingsofhuntingfi00thor Title: Kings of the hunting-field : memoirs and anecdotes of distinguished masters of hounds and other celebrities of the chase with histories of famous packs, and hunting traditions of great houses Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Thormanby Subjects: Horses Hunting Publisher: London : Hutchinson Contributing Library: Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Digitizing Sponsor: Tufts University View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: les Treadwell at his right hand 39^ mms of tbe Ifjuntlng^fielD he forced his way victoriously over all obstacles, andmade his hounds and his country famous. Mr George Lane Fox died on the 2nd of November1896, on the very day on which his own hounds were toopen the season at Stockfield Park. The scene at thegraveside, as this Nestor of Northern sport was laid inhis last resting-place, was a touching one. The rain fellin torrents, yet from far and wide, high and low, rich andpoor, Liberals and Tories, had gathered to do honour tothe memory of the most generous landowner and themost perfect Master of Hounds they had ever knownâ€"a man with no enemies, and troops of friends. Amongthe many wreaths which covered the collEin was onethat attracted special notice, not only from the rankof the donor, but for the inscription it bore, whichfaithfully summed up the dead mans character. Inmemory of a fine old English sportsman and gentleman,as a mark of true regard and respect from AlbertEdward, P. Text Appearing After Image: THE FAMILY OF VILLEBOIS. No one who looks at the portrait of Mr Henry Ville-bois on the preceding page, would set him down asanything but a typical English gentleman, the de-scendant of a long line of honest Englishmen. Yet hisdescent, like his name, was unmistakably French, and thefamily had not been domiciled in this country for morethan two generations when the three brothers, whosenames are familiar to all hunting men, showed how com-pletely they had become acclimatised to English sports.When they first left their French home, the Villeboismade for Ireland, where they had been settled for ageneration or more, when William Villebois came over toLondon and married a daughter of Sir Benjamin Truman,the founder of the great brewing firm of Truman, Han-bury, and Buxton, who then ranked third among the greatLondon brewers, Calvert & Co., and Whitbread being re-spectively first and second. William Villebois had threesons, John Truman, Henry, and Frederick Read Orme,all of whom were w Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

1-Minute History | 6/10 | Sopranos last episode famous dead celebrities
Image by CassAnaya ★If you learn fast, 1-minute history is all you need★ All art produced by the BirthdayBlog with @CassAnaya and TyAnaya is Attribution-NonCommercial Creative Commons. We are advocates of the Free Culture Movement and reform of copyright laws. Feel free to use our content, if you will profit from it, let us know and we will work out a license. Click to watch this episode: Jun 10: Ray Charles Dies, Pink and White Terraces, AA, Benjamin Franklin’s kite, Judy Garland, Sopranos last episode View the BdayBlog Calendar

Cool Celebrity Yearbook Photos images

Cool Celebrity Yearbook Photos images

A few nice celebrity yearbook photos images I found:

Image from page 42 of "X-ray" (1918) celebrity yearbook photos
Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: xray1918medi Title: X-ray Year: 1918 (1910s) Authors: Medical College of Virginia Subjects: Medical College of Virginia -- Students -- Yearbooks College yearbooks -- Virginia -- Richmond Publisher: Medical College of Virginia Contributing Library: Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: T Text Appearing After Image: Senior Jflelrical Class ^istorp HE Medical Class of 1918 is the best class in the history of the Medi-cal College of Virginia; some, or nearly all of the professors sayso and even the class admits it. This class entered in the fall of1914 very much as any other class had entered before it. Themen, for the most part, met different people, saw strange facesand felt like strangers in a strange world. Of course their intro-duction to Dr. Christian and Dr. Broadnax came very soon afterentrance, but really they were on better terms with Peyton andChris. Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Budd and Bernard would have completed their acquain-tance with celebrities had it not been for Dr. McCracken, Mr. McCauley and John.But every class meets these, so where is the difference? This class was smaller, notmore than one-third as many as the classes before it. The requirements werehigher, and many of the men had gotten academic degrees; all of them had spenttwo years in college before coming here. They went to work Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Image from page 127 of "The ravelings" (1916) celebrity yearbook photos
Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: ravelings00monm Title: The ravelings Year: 1916 (1910s) Authors: Monmouth College (Monmouth, Ill.) Subjects: Monmouth College (Monmouth, Ill.) College yearbooks Universities and colleges Publisher: [Monmouth, Ill.] : Monmouth College Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Page One Hundred Twenty-four Text Appearing After Image: Der Deutcher Bund PresidentSecretary-Treasurer Russell WagnerRichard Bigger Several new features characterize this organization as one of the most promi-nent in College. All meetings are carried on entirely in German. Visitors Nightand the German Christmas Eve Dinner are new and notable functions. The AnnualPlay, the social events and frequent lectures by local or foreign celebrities, makethings interesting for all who are so fortunate as to be members of the Club. Themembership is restricted, and to be eligible one must have at least three semestersof German and a ranking of B. EIN AMERIKANISCHES DUELL. Presented by Der Deutcher Bund College Auditorium, December 8, 1914. Helene von Stern Esther Craig Freiherr von Rodin Robert Teare Alfeld Victor Moffett Charlotte Eunice Parr Page One Hundred Twenty-five Student Volunteer Band Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Inner Star U event celebrity yearbook photos
Image by Shopping Diva The girls made Yearbooks for their dolls.

Cool Celebrity Baby Pictures images

Cool Celebrity Baby Pictures images

Check out these celebrity baby pictures images:

Baby Wizard celebrity baby pictures
Image by Wasfi Akab Daniel Radcliffe "Harry Potter" Charcoal on paper, 2009 (31.5 x 38 cm / 12.4 x 15 in)

Me with Kim McGuire celebrity baby pictures
Image by Alan Light Me with Kim McGuire, who appeared as "Hatchet Face" in John Waters film CRY BABY. Photo taken at the APLA benefit, September 7, 1990 - Permission granted to copy, publish, broadcast or post but please credit "photo by Alan Light" if you can. Note: Of all my celebrity photos on flickr, this is the most-viewed of all time (over 115,000 views as of January 2012) and the most-viewed photo every day, by far. This photo of her is used on her Wikipedia page, which also mentions that she lived through multiple disasters. She was living in Los Angeles at the time of the 1994 earthquake, was visiting New York City at the time of 9/11 and living in New Orleans at the time of Hurricane Katrina (she lost everything). A friend of hers said to her, "Do me a favor and tell me where you're moving next." When I had dinner with John Waters recently he told me that Kim looks nothing like this today, and you wouldn't recognize her. She looks completely "normal."

Celebrity Infinity. On Deck. celebrity baby pictures
Image by Tom Mascardo 1 Table and chairs on the deck of one of the Penthouse Suites on Deck 6. Penthouse Suite Details: Stateroom: 1,432 sq. ft Veranda: 1,098 sq. ft. - Foyer, separate living and dining rooms - Baby grand piano - Butler's pantry - Veranda with whirlpool, wet bar and lounge seating - Dressing room with vanity - Marble master bath with whirlpool tub - Powder room with shower - Motorized draperies - Security system Infinity is part of the 4-ship Millennium class of vessels deployed by Celebrity. Other ships in this class are the Millennium, Constellation, and Summit. Celebrity Solstice: www.flickr.com/photos/mascardo1/3249772830/

31/05/2008 (Day 2.152) - Cake Or Death?

31/05/2008 (Day 2.152) - Cake Or Death?

Some cool celebrity deaths today images:

31/05/2008 (Day 2.152) - Cake Or Death? celebrity deaths today
Image by Kaptain Kobold I have recently been enjoying various Eddie Izzard stand-up routines on You Tube, and this particular one was too good to pass up as a title for a picture. Here is the original routine (which has no props, of course), in which we learn why the Church of England could never have run the Spanish Inquisition. And here it is again, with added Lego. For FGR's celebrity lookalike day I attempted, and failed, to look like Eddie Izzard. Cake from Sainsbury's Skull from Cei Makeup by Maybelline and Boots Chinese style top from eBay (which you can't see, but is similar to the one Eddie is wearing in the YouTube clip; I only mention it to show the effort I went to for this shot. Saying that, I guess I should have painted my nails again. But hey ho, too late now.) A year ago today I went for a chinese.

Michael Jackson gives autograph celebrity deaths today
Image by Alan Light Early February, 1988 around the pool at the Kahala Hilton hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii Michael had just signed an autograph for my friend Don and is handing it back to him along with the pen. Don later gave me the autograph, which I still have. The young girl at left, who was from England (her father can be seen at right), also got an autograph from Michael. You can see her holding it. I am not sure if her autograph has been signed already or is about to be signed. I don't remember the order in which the two autographs were signed. I was concentrating on focusing the 35MM camera in very low lighting conditions. Photo taken at the Kahala Hilton Hotel, early February 1988 - Michael Jackson signing an autograph. The hat Michael is wearing says "Kahala Hilton," which is the name of the hotel he and we were staying at. This photo was taken after dark around the deserted swimming pool area of the hotel. Today the hotel is known as the Kahala Resort kahalaresort.com/ NOTE: Permission granted to copy, publish, broadcast or post any of my photos, but please credit "photo by Alan Light" if you can. Thanks.

Nice Celebrity Breasts photos

Nice Celebrity Breasts photos

A few nice celebrity breasts images I found:

Madame Queen Sabine Mondestin celebrity breasts
Image by Sabine Mondestin www.sabinemondestin.com

Braith Field, Jodi Gordon celebrity breasts
Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer Celebrities Revel for a Cause: Black Tie For Breast Cancer Gala Ball, Sydney Tonight in Sydney, Australia, the Black Tie for Breast Cancer (BT4BC) gala event for the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation took place at the beautiful Westin Hotel. A community aware group of nice folks including both A-listers, everyday mums and dads and a range of people from all walks of life, gathered together to help raise much needed funds for the development of a new Cancer Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The celebrity contingent included Jodi Gordon, Braith Anasta, the newly engaged Rachel Gilbert and Tom Williams, two time Logie nominee Anna McGahan, Melissa Hoyer, Peter Morrissey, Laura Csortan and a swag of others whipped up a storm in an effort to help raise money for a new cancer centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick campus. The guest list included: Jodi Gordon, Rachel Gilbert, Tom Williams, Anna McGahn, Ant & Becks, Peter Morrissey, Laura Csortan, Chris Joannou, Sarah Cumming, Geoff Field, Melissa Hoyer, Bianca Dye, Braith Anasta and Roy Billing. Finally, all power to cancer survivors, their family and friends, and those doing what they can to help fight cancer. Celebrity for good - always good to hear, and public big congrats to all of those who helped put tonight together. About the Prince of Wales Hospital Cancer Centre... The Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation promotes the work of the Prince of Wales Hospital (POWH) to build healthier communities. Partnering with our community, we raise vital funds to ensure the continued development of research, education and special projects, which will provide integrated health care for the patients. Over the next few years we will be embarking on a campaign to build a new, gold standard Cancer and Blood Disorders Centre on site and the BT4BC event is the signature event for this centre. The centre will work closely with the University of NSW’s Lowy Cancer Research Centre, to provide the latest researched treatments. When completed, it will be the only fully comprehensive, public cancer treatment centre in Sydney, which also treats many of our country patients. Websites Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation www.powhf.org.au The Westin Sydney www.starwoodhotels.com/westin/property/overview/index.htm... open haus www.openhaus.net.au Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr www.flickr.com/evarinaldiphotography Eva Rinaldi Photography www.evarinaldi.com

Cloudbreak Fiji Super Swell Jeff Rowley Todd Rosewall 8 June 2012 by Minnie Vuong Xvolution Media celebrity breasts
Image by Jeff Rowley Big Wave Surfer 8 June 2012 - ‘Cloudbreak’, Fiji The Best Big Wave Surfers Take the Show at the Fiji Mega Swell The Best Big Wave Surfers in the world take over the show when the Fiji ASP World Tour is called on hold because the 20 to 30 foot waves were considered by contest directors to be too dangerous and extreme. Australian Big Wave Surfers, Jeff Rowley and Todd Rosewall flew into Fiji from Torquay, Victoria for the opportunity to surf at the super swell of the year at Cloudbreak, Fiji on 8 June 2012, when the ASP World Tour Event in Fiji was put on hold. Rowley and Rosewall, alongside international big wave surfers including Greg Long, Dave Wassel, Kohl Christensen, were in the water as soon as the competition was called off, when the ocean swell picked up to create giant barrelling waves. The swell at Fiji was caused by a series of low pressure systems in the Southern Ocean which also caused severe storm damage to Victoria and New South Wales in early June 2012. In preparation, Rowley said “When I saw this swell develop on the weather charts, I was prepared for the biggest and best day of the year”. Cloudbreak is a reef break approximately 10 kilometres out to sea, and surfers charter private boats to get to the waves. “Its such a full-on expedition to get to Cloudbreak but it’s worth it”, Rowley said. After breaking two new surfboards, Rowley exudes “Cloudbreak is a powerful wave and it destroyed two of my surfboards and lost one out to sea”. At 21 years of age, Rosewall was one of the youngest surfers in the water to brave one of the most dangerous waves in the world for his first time. “Cloudbreak is incredible, it is the biggest most perfect wave I’ve ever surfed” “I know why they call it Cloudbreak now - the waves drop out of the sky like clouds”. Despite perfect barrelling waves, Rosewall had his share of bad wipeouts. “The waves are so powerful, it felt like I was anchored to the bottom of the ocean by a ball and chain”, Rosewall said. Rowley is part of a niche crew of extreme big wave surfers that travel at a moments notice to chase monster swells across the globe. Rowley and his team are now watching the weather maps for more storms to develop in the Southern Hemisphere, to take on massive waves in destinations like Teahupoo in Tahiti. â€" Jeff Rowley Social Media: Like Rowley on facebook: www.facebook.com/jeffrowleyathlete Follow Rowley on twitter: www.twitter.com/jeff_rowley Read Rowley’s blog on Tumblr: jeffrowley.tumblr.com View Rowley’s photo gallery on Flickr: www.flickr.com/jeffrowley Visit Rowley’s official website: www.jeffrowley.com Join Rowley in LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrowleyathlete Watch Rowley’s YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/jeffrowleycom Watch Rowley’s Vimeo channel: vimeo.com/jeffrowleyathlete Todd Rosewall Social Media: Visit Rosewall’s official website:http://www.toddrosewall.com Follow Rosewall on Twitter: www.twitter.com/toddrosewall To sponsor or partner with Rowley or Rosewall, contact info@xvolutionmedia.com â€" Jeff Rowley and Todd Rosewall are available for exclusive interview. Contact Minnie at info@xvolutionmedia.com for more information. All images and videos are available use free of charge. Credit Minnie Vuong/ Xvolution Media for all photographs.



Check out these celebrity images images:

JS10198 celebrity images
Image by twotoneams Women on Bicycles --- Image by © John Springer Collection/CORBIS www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4738&am... -- just a note: dunno who added all those tags... pretty strange shit buddy.

Kim Kardashian more Benjamin Eyewear celebrity images
Image by The Guise Archives Image: Celebrity-Paradise

[John Titus, Philadelphia, NL (baseball)] (LOC)

[John Titus, Philadelphia, NL (baseball)] (LOC)

A few nice news on celebrities images I found:

[John Titus, Philadelphia, NL (baseball)] (LOC) news on celebrities
Image by The Library of Congress Bain News Service,, publisher. [John Titus, Philadelphia, NL (baseball)] [1911] 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. Notes: Original data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards: Titus, Phila.. Corrected title and date based on research by the Pictorial History Committee, Society for American Baseball Research, 2006. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). Subjects: Baseball Format: Glass negatives. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.09155 Call Number: LC-B2- 2192-4

[Frank Chance, Chicago NL, at Polo Grounds, NY (baseball)] (LOC) news on celebrities
Image by The Library of Congress Bain News Service,, publisher. [Frank Chance, Chicago NL, at Polo Grounds, NY (baseball)] [1912] 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. Notes: Original data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards: Frank Chance - Cubs. Corrected title and date based on research by the Pictorial History Committee, Society for American Baseball Research, 2006. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). Format: Glass negatives. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.11244 Call Number: LC-B2- 2491-2

CLINT by RENOIR news on celebrities
Image by The PIX-JOCKEY (visual fantasist) La mia nuova PICTURE OF THE DAY su Freaking News ;-)

Nice Celebrity List photos

Nice Celebrity List photos

A few nice celebrity list images I found:

Celebrity Restaurant - Broad Street - night shot celebrity list
Image by ell brown A quick test at ISO 800 of the Celebrity Restaurant sign on Broad Street. Also a zoom in. Hope to try out night shots in London next month (not sure if ISO 400 or 800 is best). Taken from the junction of Gas Street and Broad Street.

Braith Field, Jodi Gordon celebrity list
Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer Celebrities Revel for a Cause: Black Tie For Breast Cancer Gala Ball, Sydney Tonight in Sydney, Australia, the Black Tie for Breast Cancer (BT4BC) gala event for the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation took place at the beautiful Westin Hotel. A community aware group of nice folks including both A-listers, everyday mums and dads and a range of people from all walks of life, gathered together to help raise much needed funds for the development of a new Cancer Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The celebrity contingent included Jodi Gordon, Braith Anasta, the newly engaged Rachel Gilbert and Tom Williams, two time Logie nominee Anna McGahan, Melissa Hoyer, Peter Morrissey, Laura Csortan and a swag of others whipped up a storm in an effort to help raise money for a new cancer centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick campus. The guest list included: Jodi Gordon, Rachel Gilbert, Tom Williams, Anna McGahn, Ant & Becks, Peter Morrissey, Laura Csortan, Chris Joannou, Sarah Cumming, Geoff Field, Melissa Hoyer, Bianca Dye, Braith Anasta and Roy Billing. Finally, all power to cancer survivors, their family and friends, and those doing what they can to help fight cancer. Celebrity for good - always good to hear, and public big congrats to all of those who helped put tonight together. About the Prince of Wales Hospital Cancer Centre... The Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation promotes the work of the Prince of Wales Hospital (POWH) to build healthier communities. Partnering with our community, we raise vital funds to ensure the continued development of research, education and special projects, which will provide integrated health care for the patients. Over the next few years we will be embarking on a campaign to build a new, gold standard Cancer and Blood Disorders Centre on site and the BT4BC event is the signature event for this centre. The centre will work closely with the University of NSW’s Lowy Cancer Research Centre, to provide the latest researched treatments. When completed, it will be the only fully comprehensive, public cancer treatment centre in Sydney, which also treats many of our country patients. Websites Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation www.powhf.org.au The Westin Sydney www.starwoodhotels.com/westin/property/overview/index.htm... open haus www.openhaus.net.au Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr www.flickr.com/evarinaldiphotography Eva Rinaldi Photography www.evarinaldi.com

1966 DIY Fashion Ad, Simplicity Dress Patterns, with Actress Debbie Paine celebrity list
Image by classic_film Tagline: "You don't have to be a pro to sew. Actress Debbie Paine isn't." Brief list of film credits for Debbie Paine here at IMDb. Published in Ingenue magazine, April 1966 - Vol. 8, No. 4 Fair use/no known copyright. If you use this photo, please provide attribution credit; not for commercial use (see Creative Commons license).

Cool Celebrity Worth images

Cool Celebrity Worth images

Check out these celebrity worth images:

Your worst nightmare celebrity worth
Image by schoey Cannon and Ball, featuring the Grumbleweeds. Basil Brush, Abba - The Tribute, Joe Pasquale, Jim Davidson and Freddie Starr. Worth avoiding for the entire Summer then.

My Office, for Courtney celebrity worth
Image by gwen You may remember the photo of our bedroom from when we were moving in.

Elephant Parade - Worth to be Dutch celebrity worth
Image by chooyutshing Elephant Parade Singapore is the largest open air art exhibition of the Asian elephants world wide. The life size elephant statues were hand painted by local and international celebrities and artites, The artwork by Hollandsche Wearen is display at Tangs, Tang Plaza Orchard Road

Cool Celebrity Images images

Cool Celebrity Images images

Check out these celebrity images images:

Singer Celebrity Cheryl Cole Trains with British Troops in Afghanistan celebrity images
Image by Defence Images Singer Cheryl Cole is pictured training with British troops during her morale boosting trip to Afghanistan. On the 14 September 2011 Cheryl Cole paid the British Troops in Afghanistan a morale visit where she presented the British Forces with the Pride of Britain Award. Here she can be seen taking part in a demonstration by 42 Commando Royal Marines conducting a compound clearance followed by a casualty evacuation via a Chinook helicopter. She exclaimed that she had never experienced so much dust in her life before after the helicopter came in to extract the casualty. Photographer: LA(Phot) Dave Hillhouse Image 45153216.jpg from www.defenceimages.mod.uk Follow us: www.facebook.com/defenceimages www.twitter.com/defenceimages

Bryan O'Quinn Returns To The Stage celebrity images
Image by ImagePros February 2013 Bryan O'Quinn will make his musical comeback next month. The singer-businessman - who primarily has been involved with community organizing and handling business contracts in conjunction with a thriving law practice , announced plans to yes... hit the studio again last year and release a collection of tracks as prompted by his most dedicated fan-base and supporters. The dance music recording artist will also return to the stage performing in a series of events promoting his noteworthy and newer songs. “I have discovered that without some level of joy in your life... you cannot truly achieve success.”_ Bryan O'Quinn youtu.be/Ys_f_kn4Tjo youtu.be/M4tOW-ff5sU

Cool Celeb Pictures images

Cool Celeb Pictures images

Check out these celeb pictures images:

Queen Sabine Home Alone Soft Focus Selfie celeb pictures
Image by Sabine Mondestin Goddess and Actress Queen Sabine is Home Alone taking Soft Focus Selfie. www.sabinemondestin.com

Queen Sabine And Her Friend Andrea celeb pictures
Image by Sabine Mondestin www.sabinemondestin.com

Queen Sabine Mondestin Soft Focus Selfie At Home celeb pictures
Image by Sabine Mondestin www.sabinemondestin.com

Nice Celebrities Names photos

Nice Celebrities Names photos

Check out these celebrities names images:

Queen Sabine Is My Name, Nice To Meet You ;-) celebrities names
Image by Sabine Mondestin Comment on my Facebook Fan page www.facebook.com/pages/Sabine-Mondestin/197378436104

1951 Old Gold Cigarettes Ad, with TV Announcer & Actor Dennis James celebrities names
Image by classic_film Vintage 1950s magazine advertisement, Old Gold Cigarettes, with legendary TV host, actor, and announcer Dennis James (August 24, 1917â€"June 3, 1997), 1951 Brief Dennis James bio from Wikipedia: American television personality, actor, and announcer. He is credited as the host of television's first network game show, the DuMont Network's Cash and Carry, in 1946. James was the first person to host a telethon and the first to appear in a television commercial. [...] James often addressed the TV audience as "Mother", a practice he had begun when discussing the finer points of wrestling during his sports broadcasts. He feared the men in the audience would be insulted by the implication that they didn't already know the rules (even if they didn't), but would accept that James was merely explaining things for the benefit of women viewers. During the 1953â€"54 season, James was the announcer of the quiz program Judge for Yourself, which aired on NBC, with Fred Allen as the emcee. James gained his greatest fame as the host of numerous game shows. Prior to 1956, he and Bert Parks hosted the ABC musical game show Stop the Music. In 1956, James emceed the short-lived High Finance on CBS in which contestants answer current events questions to build up a jackpot for prizes. James later hosted the NBC daytime revival of Name That Tune (1974â€"75) and his last game show, the weekly syndicated nighttime version of The (New) Price is Right (1972â€"77). James and producer Mark Goodson co-hosted a promotional film, selling stations on the 1972 revival of Price, which was originally hosted by James' fellow TV pioneer Bill Cullen. [...] Outside of sports and game shows, James was also a popular commercial spokesman for products including Old Gold cigarettes, Kellogg's cereals and, through his own production company, many local and regional companies and businesses. For nearly 30 years, James was the spokesman for Physicians Mutual Insurance Company until his death in 1997. His expression "Okay? Okay!" became a trademark in many of James' commercials. He returned to his wrestling roots in the 1978 Henry Winkler film The One and Only as the announcer for Winkler's title match, and was also the wrestling commentator in Rocky III for Rocky Balboa's match against Thunderlips (played by Hulk Hogan). His final acting appearance was in The Method in 1997. ************************* Published in Quick news weekly magazine, Sep. 24, 1951, Vol. 5 No. 13 Fair use/no known copyright. If you use this photo, please provide attribution credit; not for commercial use (see Creative Commons license)

Pebble Beach,California

Pebble Beach,California

Some cool celebrity stretch marks images:

Pebble Beach,California celebrity stretch marks
Image by **Mary** Famed as the site of the Pebble Beach Country Club and Resort and Spyglass Hill golf courses, and home to the yearly AT&T Celebrity Golf Tournament (where huge crowds await Bill Murray's schtick), Pebble Beach has what may be one of the finest stretches of coast on the Monterey Peninsula. Craggy shoreline, crashing surf and cypress groves mark the spot where Portola landed in 1769 on his first, fruitless expedition to find Monterey. Pebble Beach has long been the enclave of the very top tier of country club society.

Nice Celebrity Divorces photos

Nice Celebrity Divorces photos

Some cool celebrity divorces images:

Kim Kardashian celebrity divorces
Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer Kim Kardashian And Khloe Get David Jones Tills Ringing, Chaos American reality television celebrity Kim Kardashian was once again the cause of a mass of humanity (and massive traffic jams in the Sydney CBD), described by many as complete "chaos". Coincidence or not, emergency vehicle sirens could be heard roaring through Sydney's CBD district, with car accidents and fan barricades at bursting point, all while mother nature delivered a torrential downpour of rain. Inside David Jones sirens of a different kind - media and fan heat seekers Kim Kardashian and sister Khloe promoted their wares - new handbags dubbed the Kardashian Kollection. The bags kept cash tills ringing, although a purchase of a handbag did not 100% guarantee an autograph or photo. The massive queue to see the celebs went from inside the department store on Castlereagh Street and around many city blocks, with teeny poppers forming the most part of of the crowd. "I love the Kardashians" said Tori Rudolph, 13, who skipped school. The influenced teen had been been waiting in the city since 10pm on Wednesday night - well past bed time. Five other school friends had joined her. Kim, 31, was fresh off a divorce filing from NBA player Kris Humphries on Monday, citing "irreconcilable differences." Police officers in yellow vests and numerous security guards patrolled the outside of the popular store as the dynamic duo promoted their wares to a captive audience. Kardashian - continuing to put the business in show business, be it Hollywood or Australia. Websites Keeping Up With The Kardashian's au.eonline.com/on/shows/kardashians/index.html Kim Kardashian official web blog www.kimkardashian.celebuzz.com David Jones www.davidjones.com.au Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr www.flickr.com/evarinaldiphotography Eva Rinaldi Photography www.evarinaldi.com

Cyndi Lauper celebrity divorces
Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer She's a Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter, a girl who just wants to have fun, find out about her true colours. A decade before ‘girl power’ became the war cry of the 90s, Cyndi Lauper called on women everywhere to fight for equality whilst embracing their femininity. A singer, songwriter, musician and an actress, the New York native has maintained her steely determination without losing her ability to entertain millions. One might say that Cynthia Ann Stephanie "Cyndi" Lauper ‘burst’ into the world on 22 June 1953, rather than being born into it. One of three children born to Fred and Catrine Lauper, the vivacious child was originally from Brooklyn, New York, but was raised by her mother in Queens following her parents’ divorce in 1958. Growing up during the peak of the civil rights movement and surrounded by the sounds of The Beatles, Billie Holliday and Ella Fitzgerald, Lauper developed an intense love of music from an early age and learned to play guitar at the age of 12. With her mother’s support for her blossoming creativity, the headstrong teen dropped out of high school to perform with a variety of cover bands. However, Lauper soon suffered a major setback which threatened to destroy her musical ambitions. In 1977, the ambitious performer damaged her voice and was told by doctors that she would never be able to sing again. In spite of this damning medical diagnosis, Lauper persevered and sought the help of singing coach Katie Agresta. Her resolve was rewarded and the star has since credited Agresta with the return of her most precious instrument: her vocals. Lauper began performing again and co-founded a band called Blue Angel. With her four octave voice at its forefront, the group found success in 1980, when it released a self titled album with Polydor Records. However, with this victory came one of Lauper’s most difficult setbacks. Following poor album sales, Blue Angel was sued by its manager. The claim left Lauper with no recourse but to file for bankruptcy. The deflated artist had little choice but to work in the retail industry during the day, whilst trying to rebuild her musical career with appearances in her spare time. It was after one such performance at a local club in 1981 that Lauper first met a music manager called David Wolff. The two fell in love and Wolff became the singer’s manager. As their relationship blossomed, so did Lauper’s prospects. With Wolff behind her, she was signed to Portrait Records and began to record an album. Excited by the challenge of creating her own sound, Lauper was determined to write her own songs, but faced a reluctant record label. Portrait had its own conception about the type of music that the new artist was to record and it was only following a ferocious battle that Lauper was able to put her own mark on the music. The result was groundbreaking. In 1983, Lauper released ‘She’s So Unusual’ to rave reviews. Described by Rolling Stone as “really first-rate material”, the album went on attain six-time platinum and double platinum statuses in the US and UK respectively. Lauper became a feminist idol. In addition to legions of fans clamouring to emulate her inimitable dress sense, her videos, such as the raucous clip for the hit, ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’, were constantly played on MTV. Having proven herself a star, Lauper went on to explore a variety of projects. In 1985, she made the first of many charitable contributions, joining celebrities such as Lionel Ritchie and Michael Jackson in the 1985 USA for Africa single, ‘We Are the World’. Lauper’s next move was one that few would have anticipated. With Wolff’s encouragement, she forged a contractual alliance with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), appearing on the wrestling show and even participating in story lines. Even when she was presented with the 1985 Grammy Award for Best New Artist, Lauper was accompanied by WWF’s Hulk Hogan, who called himself her ‘bodyguard’. Lauper’s second album release was ‘True Colours’ (1986). The dedicated artist was much more heavily involved in the follow-up to ‘She’s So Unusual’, co-writing many of the songs, such as the ballad ‘Change of Heart’, which reached number 3 in the US charts. However, despite containing three hit singles and attaining platinum status, ‘True Colours’ was unable to replicate the success of Lauper’s debut album. A telling sign was that the fourth single from the album, entitled ‘Boy Blue’, was the first of the chart princess’s singles to fail to achieve top forty status in the US. Even so, Lauper donated the proceeds of sales for that single to AIDS research. After a 1987 tour called ‘Cyndi: Live in Paris’, Lauper was keen to prove that she was a multifaceted performer. In 1988, she embraced the new challenge of acting, taking on the role of a zany psychic in the comedy, ‘Vibes’ (1988). Unfortunately for the Grammy winner, this venture did not prove successful. Despite boasting a stellar cast, including Jeff Goldblum, the film failed to impress either the critics or the public, grossing less than million in the US box office. Even Lauper’s contributory track for the film, ‘Hole in My Heart (All the Way to China)’ (1985), only reached number 54 on the US charts, although it was very popular in Australia. The song did not feature on the film’s official soundtrack. After a short break from the studio, Lauper’s released ‘A Night to Remember’ (1989). Despite the fact that one song on the album, called ‘I Drove All Night’, did return the pop star to number one in the singles charts, the record’s impact failed to compare to Lauper’s earlier achievements. Disillusioned by her inability to draw the attention she had once commanded, Lauper’s relationship with Wolff suffered. By the end of the year, the two had severed both their personal and professional ties. Lauper would not release another album for almost four years. In the meantime, she lent her iconic status to a number of collaborations. In 1990, she joined an all star line-up to perform at Roger Waters’ concert, ‘The Wall â€" Live in Berlin’. She also joined her friend, Yoko Ono, in a tribute concert to John Lennon. The performer also took the opportunity to try acting again. Starring as a lounge singer on a mission to identify her boyfriend’s killer, Lauper began filming ‘Off and Running’ (1991). The movie was only released in Europe, seemingly indicating another doomed attempt to break into Hollywood. However, for the 38-year-old, the film marked a new beginning. It was on the set of this endeavour that Lauper met and fell in love with actor, David Thornton. On 24 November 1991, the singer and the Englishman wed in New York. With her personal life blossoming, Lauper turned her attention back to business. After contributing two songs to the 1992 French stage show, ‘Starmania’, one of which earned double platinum status in France, she set her mind to releasing her fourth album. Soul, funk and hip-hop influences filled ‘A Hat Full of Stars’ (1993), allowing the vibrant artist to showcase her diversity. Despite its poor sales, the album, which dealt with difficult issues such as incest and domestic abuse, was critically applauded, Rolling Stone praising the record’s “fresh sound”. Critical acclaim also followed in 1992, as the aspiring thespian finally fulfilled a long term ambition by joining the cast of the sitcom, ‘Mad About You’ (1989). Her portrayal of the quirky Marianne Lugasso earned her an Emmy award and further recurring appearances on the show. For Lauper, the accolade represented acceptance as an actress. Lauper returned to the recording studio in 1996. The result was the upbeat dance record, ‘Sisters of Avalon’ (1996), which sold a respectable one million copies worldwide. With issues such as the conflicts of being a drag queen dominating the album, its main impact was in the gay community, where Lauper was hailed as a heroine. In November 1997, Lauper and Thornton welcomed their son, Declyn Wallace Thornton, into the world. Lauper relished her new role as a mother, flaunting her pregnant belly in the video for the song ‘The Ballad of Cleo and Joe’. However, she refused to allow her two worlds of parent and rocker to conflict, and in fact the proud mother cited Declyn as a major inspiration for her 1998 album, ‘Merry Christmas, Have a Nice Life’. She even included his vocals on the song ‘First Lullaby’. Lauper continued to act, appearing in ‘The Simpsons’ (1989) and independent films such as ‘The Opportunists’ (2000). She also enjoyed touring, joining Cher on her celebrated ‘Do You Believe?’ (1999) and ‘Living Proof’ (2002) tours. The songstress intended to release her sixth studio album in 2001, but the ill-fated project stalled just weeks before its intended release date as Lauper’s record company collapsed. The final result, ‘Shine’ (2004), would only be released in Japan. In fact, it was Lauper’s 2003 studio performances which would form her follow-up to ‘Sisters of Avalon’. ‘At Last’ (2003) was a collection of cover songs including a Grammy nominated version of ‘Unchained Melody’. Whilst gaining mixed reviews, the effort was a commercial hit, selling 4.5 million records and reaching the top 40 in the US and Australia. As Lauper grew into a self-proclaimed ‘hockey mom’, her social conscience never failed her. She continued to champion gay causes as well as headlining a charitable ‘True Colours’ tour in 2007. Always keen to adapt to changing styles and fashions, Lauper stepped onto the dance floor for her 2008 album, ‘Bring Ya to the Brink’. With input from the likes of Basement Jaxx and Scum Frog, praise such as The Guardian’s statement that this was “the album Madonna should have made instead of ‘Hard Candy’” proved Lauper to be an adept chameleon of the arts. The image of a fun loving Cyndi Lauper exploding onto the eighties pop scene is emblazoned onto the hearts and minds of the era of women who heeded her message of freedom and self-expression. Yet, as her audience has matured, Lauper has had to call upon the same tenacity that had helped her overcome financial ruin in order to maintain her star status. Now a mother, philanthropist and revered performer, it can truly be said that she is the Queen of Queens.

Mayfair Gopalpur at Sea

Mayfair Gopalpur at Sea

Some cool names of celebrities images:

Mayfair Gopalpur at Sea names of celebrities
Image by BOMBMAN This Prestigious Heritage Property was built way back in 1914. Originally acquired by Rai Bahadur M.S. Oberoi was being operated as a part of the Oberoi Group till 2003. It is completely reconstructed with more rooms, amenities and world class facilities. Just over 2 hours picturesque drive from Bhubaneswar, it is located right on the Bay of Bengal. Before 1830, an Englishman by the name of John Spence had established the Spence’s hotel in Calcutta, making it perhaps the oldest western style hotel outside Europe and in 1841 David Wilson built the ‘Wilson Hotel’ now known as 'Great Eastern Hotel', also, in Calcutta, which was considered to be one of the best of its kind, in this part of the world. In far away Shimla, a place not unknown to many, two intrepid hoteliers from Italy, Signor Faletti and Signor Pelitti had already established ‘The Cecil’, and ‘The Grand’, which had already set the benchmark in hotels. At that moment a 20 year old, from New Julfa, Armenia, was struggling to sell his wares from a wheelbarrow in the streets of Calcutta but by the year 1911,that Armenian Stephen Arathoon, had built the 'Grand', on the foundation of the burnt down ‘Theatre Royal’, making sure that it was better than its two rivals. No one had really by then heard of Gopalpur on Sea. And Gopalpur on Sea returned the compliment. Barely 16 kms from Berhampore, the commercial hub of Southern Orissa, in the Bay of Bengal, it was extremely uncanny of a young Italian Signor Maglioni, to mysteriously find home all the way from Sicily, and establish the 'Palm Beach' in 1914. It was Odisha’s first hotel, of its kind. Gopalpur on Sea on sea how very British suffix on sea like Midleton-on-sea / Frankton-on-sea was a palm fringed beach and Maglioni’s dream fused with the sepia and romance of the langorous town,where the silence was broken only by the breakers and the occasional coconut thudding on the ground.Originally a small fishing village on the coast of Odisha when it was so named, when a temple dedicated to Lord Krishna ‘Krishna Gopal’ temple was built in the 18th Century. Legend has it that Gopalpur on Sea’s sands had witnessed maritime ventures of a much earlier age when Odisha had flourished as part of the Kalinga Kingdom in the 4th and 5th century B.C early colonists to Java, Bali and Sumatra were supposed to have sailed from here, carrying the seeds of Indian civilization with them. We in Odisha still celebrate this as 'BALIYATRA'. Between the two World Wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) Gopalpur on Sea was overrun by the men in Khakis and became the eastern sectors base for flying out troops and supplies to Rangoon. The commercial port became the living symbol of its grandeur and the pulsating lifestyle was evident in the packed dance floors of the hotel ‘Blue Haven’ in 1945. The World War2 came to an end and India inched towards being an independent, sovereign republic. By 1947the British had left the Indian shores and the commercial activity of Gopalpur on Sea had dwindled to a trickle. The once vibrant, emblazoned ball rooms gaped at open skies. The noisy wharfs moulted and the warehouses became seedy gateways for derelicts. Gopalpur on Sea’s importance dwindled when trade with Burma abruptly ceased during the war. When the British left India, even members of rich Bengali homes preferred to holiday in other places and Gopalpur on Sea began to revert to what it originally was a fishing village. In 1938,another enterprising, courageous Indian Hotelier, Rai bahadur M.S Oberoi had already taken over a closed down ‘Grand’ hotel from the Armenian Stephen Arathoon and reinvented it with trademark Oberoi elan’ as the 'Oberoi Grand',to make it the most sought after address in Calcutta. In 1947, on a chance visit to Maglioni’s ‘Palm Beach’ hotel his keen eyes did not miss the state of disrepair that the hotel had fallen to. His instinct smelled a bargain and Maglioni was only too happy to sell it to the Oberoi’s for a paltry 3.0 lacs rupees; thereby enabling the Oberoi legend to root itself as the ‘Oberoi Palm Beach’. As its doors opened the who’s who of the country, from Prime ministers, to celebrities and royalty left their impressions behind along with their footprints on the sands of time. History was being created every day, as the hotel played hosts to the history makers. Maglioni’s Mediterranean Architecture had undergone a makeover by the Oberoi’s, but the core of the structure was slowly but surely giving way to the Gopalpur on Sea on Sea corroding effects of the saline sea breeze. The erosion had begun and no amount of hasty repairs could make it anymore safe for its guests. The Oberois closed gates in 2002 and decided to distance themselves and sell this piece of Orissa’s history to any worthy taker. It was at this time, 2011, that ‘Mayfair hotels and resorts’ stepped in. T o protect, renovate and restore the 'Palm beach', where history echoed from every cobble stone. Lured by the fact that Gopalpur on sea still stood untouched by the concrete commercialism that had destroyed nearby Puri’s equally pristine beach and also because Gopalpur on Sea had actually wrapped itself in a romantic mysticism that tugged at history but refused to drown in its excesses. Rebuilding the core structure from scratch, lovingly touching up the details, reinventing the old magic, preserving the memories, Mayfair has now breathed new life to the ‘Oberoi palm Beach’ in its all new avatar - 'The Mayfair palm Beach resort' It’s the ultimate tribute to your senses and helps in stealing your time and mind in order to find your DNA and recreate you for future generations... where always, every time, anyday 'sometimes the sky looks like the sea and sometimes the sea looks like the sky'.

Mayor of La Garde (Var) names of celebrities
Image by .H0oT. Jean-Louis Masson, Mayor of La Garde during the day of the liberation of La Garde. 08/23/11 Copyright and permission to use should be sought to: farsac.t[at]gmail.com

Cool Best Celebrity Bodies images

Cool Best Celebrity Bodies images

A few nice best celebrity bodies images I found:

Week 3, 52 Weeks: The Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge is just a few days off - with Flickr notes! best celebrity bodies
Image by Earl - What I Saw 2.0 Maybe it will be this warm? This Saturday I'll be doing my third one - and it's great! So far over 0,000.00 has been raised this year for Maryland Special Olympics, and that doesn't count what all of us will bring in with our sponsorship envelopes to check-in on Saturday. Last year - the 10th anniversary plunge - was the highest amount donated in one day to Special Olympics. It was something I had talked about doing for a long time, but in 2005 I decided to put my body in the Chesapeake Bay for the cause. A group of my friends and I go in together, and we all go all the way under the water. The first year I did it the water was 28 degrees and the air was 32. They had rescue divers break up the ice so we could go in. It was like going into a bay-sized slurpee! Last year wasn't nearly that cold, and I'm not sure what this Saturday will be like, but there's snow on the ground now, so it will definitely be interesting. It's a day-long event - bands, costume contests, free lunch for the plungers, and as many, if not more, spectators come out to see it. It is right at the Annapolis side of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Last year I had fractured my shoulder in two places and cracked a few ribs just over a month before the plunge, and it was the first week I had my sling off. This year looks to be a lot easier! Last year, my friends were great. They stuck close so I didn't get bumped in the rush, and they helped me change into dry clothes, too. Good friends wll do that kind of stuff for you. The tag is one that corporate event sponsors get. One of our friends is a corporate sponsor again, and he mailed us this extra pass for my wife, Debbie to use, which was really nice. She'll get to go into the celebrity tent and meet all of the VIP's. Pretty cool! I'm still wearing my LiveSTRONG bracelet - I bought them for all of our group the first year, and I haven't taken mine off for 15 months now - they even let me wear it when I had surgery, which I thought was really nice. I wear it for my mom, who had cancer before she died, for my father-in-law who we lost to cancer in 2006, and for my good friend, Larry, who is undergoing treatments for multiple myeloma right now, and for everyone who is fighting cancer and for their friends and families, too. Stay strong and keep fighting your cancer, all of you - a lot of people care and love you. I'll post some pictures next week after the plunge. Please think about ways you can help support Special Olympics where you, live, too - you will make a difference! 52 Weeks - Week 3.

Manor House Neighborhood best celebrity bodies
Image by Wootang01 9.4.09 The flight arrived on time; and the twelve hours while on board passed quickly and without incident. To be sure, the quality of the Cathay Pacific service was exemplary once again. Heathrow reminds me of Newark International. The décor comes straight out of the sterile 80's and is less an eyesore than an insipid background to the rhythm of human activity, such hustle and bustle, at the fore. There certainly are faces from all races present, creating a rich mosaic of humanity which is refreshing if not completely revitalizing after swimming for so long in a sea of Chinese faces in Hong Kong. Internet access is sealed in England, it seems. Nothing is free; everything is egregiously monetized from the wireless hotspots down to the desktop terminals. I guess Hong Kong has spoiled me with its abundant, free access to the information superhighway. 11.4.09 Despite staying in a room with five other backpackers, I have been sleeping well. The mattress and pillow are firm; my earplugs keep the noise out; and the sleeping quarters are as dark as a cave when the lights are out, and only as bright as, perhaps, a dreary rainy day when on. All in all, St. Paul's is a excellent place to stay for the gregarious, adventurous, and penurious city explorer - couchsurfing may be a tenable alternative; I'll test for next time. Yesterday Connie and I gorged ourselves at the borough market where there were all sorts of delectable, savory victuals. There was definitely a European flavor to the food fair: simmering sausages were to be found everywhere; and much as the meat was plentiful, and genuine, so were the dairy delicacies, in the form of myriad rounds of cheese, stacked high behind checkered tabletops. Of course, we washed these tasty morsels down with copious amounts of alcohol that flowed from cups as though amber waterfalls. For the first time I tried mulled wine, which tasted like warm, rancid fruit punch - the ideal tonic for a drizzling London day, I suppose. We later killed the afternoon at the pub, shooting the breeze while imbibing several diminutive half-pints in the process. Getting smashed at four in the afternoon doesn't seem like such a bad thing anymore, especially when you are having fun in the company of friends; I can more appreciate why the English do it so much! Earlier in the day, we visited the Tate Modern. Its turbine room lived up to its prominent billing what with a giant spider, complete with bulbous egg sac, anchoring the retrospective exhibit. The permanent galleries, too, were a delight upon which to feast one's eyes. Picasso, Warhol and Pollock ruled the chambers of the upper floors with the products of their lithe wrists; and I ended up becoming a huge fan of cubism, while developing a disdain for abstract art and its vacuous images, which, I feel, are devoid of both motivation and emotion. My first trip yesterday morning was to Emirates Stadium, home of the Arsenal Gunners. It towers imperiously over the surrounding neighborhood; yet for all its majesty, the place sure was quiet! Business did pick up later, however, once the armory shop opened, and dozens of fans descended on it like bees to a hive. I, too, swooped in on a gift-buying mission, and wound up purchasing a book for Godfrey, a scarf for a student, and a jersey - on sale, of course - for good measure. I'm sitting in the Westminster Abbey Museum now, resting my weary legs and burdened back. So far, I've been verily impressed with what I've seen, such a confluence of splendor and history before me that it would require days to absorb it all, when regretfully I can spare only a few hours. My favorite part of the abbey is the poets corner where no less a literary luminary than Samuel Johnson rests in peace - his bust confirms his homely presence, which was so vividly captured in his biography. For lunch I had a steak and ale pie, served with mash, taken alongside a Guinness, extra cold - 2 degrees centigrade colder, the bartender explained. It went down well, like all the other delicious meals I've had in England; and no doubt by now I have grown accustomed to inebriation at half past two. Besides, Liverpool were playing inspired football against Blackburn; and my lunch was complete. Having had my fill of football, I decided to skip my ticket scalping endeavor at Stamford Bridge and instead wandered over to the British Museum to inspect their extensive collections. Along the way, my eye caught a theater, its doors wide open and admitting customers. With much rapidity, I subsequently checked the show times, saw that a performance was set to begin, and at last rushed to the box office to purchase a discounted ticket - if you call a 40 pound ticket a deal, that is. That's how I grabbed a seat to watch Hairspray in the West End. The show was worth forty pounds. The music was addictive; and the stage design and effects were not so much kitschy as delightfully stimulating - the pulsating background lights were at once scintillating and penetrating. The actors as well were vivacious, oozing charisma while they danced and delivered lines dripping in humor. Hairspray is a quality production and most definitely recommended. 12.4.09 At breakfast I sat across from a man who asked me to which country Hong Kong had been returned - China or Japan. That was pretty funny. Then he started spitting on my food as he spoke, completely oblivious to my breakfast becoming the receptacle in which the fruit of his inner churl was being placed. I guess I understand the convention nowadays of covering one's mouth whilst speaking and masticating at the same time! We actually conversed on London life in general, and I praised London for its racial integration, the act of which is a prodigious leap of faith for any society, trying to be inclusive, accepting all sorts of people. It wasn't as though the Brits were trying in vain to be all things to all men, using Spanish with the visitors from Spain, German with the Germans and, even, Hindi with the Indians, regardless of whether or not Hindi was their native language; not even considering the absurd idea of encouraging the international adoption of their language; thereby completely keeping English in English hands and allowing its proud polyglots to "practice" their languages. Indeed, the attempt of the Londoners to avail themselves of the rich mosaic of ethnic knowledge, and to seek a common understanding with a ubiquitous English accent is an exemplar, and the bedrock for any world city. I celebrated Jesus' resurrection at the St. Andrew's Street Church in Cambridge. The parishioners of this Baptist church were warm and affable, and I met several of them, including one visiting (Halliday) linguistics scholar from Zhongshan university in Guangzhou, who in fact had visited my tiny City University of Hong Kong in 2003. The service itself was more traditional and the believers fewer in number than the "progressive" services at any of the charismatic, evangelical churches in HK; yet that's what makes this part of the body of Christ unique; besides, the message was as brief as a powerpoint slide, and informative no less; the power word which spoke into my life being a question from John 21:22 - what is that to you? Big trees; exquisite lawns; and old, pointy colleges; that's Cambridge in a nutshell. Sitting here, sipping on a half-pint of Woodforde's Wherry, I've had a leisurely, if not languorous, day so far; my sole duty consisting of walking around while absorbing the verdant environment as though a sponge, camera in tow. I am back at the sublime beer, savoring a pint of Sharp's DoomBar before my fish and chips arrive; the drinking age is 18, but anyone whose visage even hints of youthful brilliance is likely to get carded these days, the bartender told me. The youth drinking culture here is almost as twisted as the university drinking culture in America. My stay in Cambridge, relaxing and desultory as it may be, is about to end after this late lunch. I an not sure if there is anything left to see, save for the American graveyard which rests an impossible two miles away. I have had a wonderful time in this town; and am thankful for the access into its living history - the residents here must demonstrate remarkable patience and tolerance what with so many tourists ambling on the streets, peering - and photographing - into every nook and cranny. 13.4.09 There are no rubbish bins, yet I've seen on the streets many mixed race couples in which the men tend to be white - the women also belonging to a light colored ethnicity, usually some sort of Asian; as well saw some black dudes and Indian dudes with white chicks. People here hold doors, even at the entrance to the toilet. Sometimes it appears as though they are going out on a limb, just waiting for the one who will take the responsibility for the door from them, at which point I rush out to relieve them of such a fortuitous burden. I visited the British Museum this morning. The two hours I spent there did neither myself nor the exhibits any justice because there really is too much to survey, enough captivating stuff to last an entire day, I think. The bottomless well of artifacts from antiquity, drawing from sources as diverse as Korea, and Mesopotamia, is a credit to the British empire, without whose looting most of this amazing booty would be unavailable for our purview; better, I think, for these priceless treasures to be open to all in the grandest supermarket of history than away from human eyes, and worst yet, in the hands of unscrupulous collectors or in the rubbish bin, possibly. Irene and I took in the ballet Giselle at The Royal Opera House in the afternoon. The building is a plush marvel, and a testament to this city's love for the arts. The ballet itself was satisfying, the first half being superior to the second, in which the nimble dancers demonstrated their phenomenal dexterity in, of all places, a graveyard covered in a cloak of smoke and darkness. I admit, their dance of the dead, in such a gloomy necropolis, did strike me as, strange. Two amicable ladies from Kent convinced me to visit their hometown tomorrow, where, they told me, the authentic, "working" Leeds Castle and the mighty interesting home of Charles Darwin await. I'm nursing a pint of Green King Ruddles and wondering about the profusion of British ales and lagers; the British have done a great deed for the world by creating an interminable line of low-alcohol session beers that can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner; and their disservice is this: besides this inexhaustible supply of cheap beer ensnaring my inner alcoholic, I feel myself putting on my freshman fifteen, almost ten years after the fact; I am going to have to run a bit harder back in Hong Kong if I want to burn all this malty fuel off. Irene suggested I stop by the National Art Gallery since we were in the area; and it was an hour well spent. The gallery currently presents a special exhibit on Picasso, the non-ticketed section of which features several seductive renderings, including David spying on Bathsheba - repeated in clever variants - and parodies of other masters' works. Furthermore, the main gallery houses two fabulous portraits by Joshua Reynolds, who happens to be favorite of mine, he in life being a close friend of Samuel Johnson - I passed by Boswells, where its namesake first met Johnson, on my way to the opera house. 14.4.09 I prayed last night, and went through my list, lifting everyone on it up to the Lord. That felt good; that God is alive now, and ever present in my life and in the lives of my brothers and sisters. Doubtless, then, I have felt quite wistful, as though a specter in the land of the living, being in a place where religious fervor, it seems, is a thing of the past, a trifling for many, to be hidden away in the opaque corners of centuries-old cathedrals that are more expensive tourist destinations than liberating homes of worship these days. Indeed, I have yet to see anyone pray, outside of the Easter service which I attended in Cambridge - for such an ecstatic moment in verily a grand church, would you believe that it was only attended by at most three dozen spirited ones. The people of England, and Europe in general, have, it is my hope, only locked away the Word, relegating it to the quiet vault of their hearts. May it be taken out in the sudden pause before mealtimes and in the still crisp mornings and cool, silent nights. There is still hope for a revival in this place, for faith to rise like that splendid sun every morning. God would love to rescue them, to deliver them in this day, it is certain. I wonder what Londoners think, if anything at all, about their police state which, like a vine in the shadows, has taken root in all corners of daily life, from the terrorist notifications in the underground, which implore Londoners to report all things suspicious, to the pair of dogs which eagerly stroll through Euston. What makes this all the more incredible is the fact that even the United States, the indomitable nemesis of the fledgling, rebel order, doesn't dare bombard its citizens with such fear mongering these days, especially with Obama in office; maybe we've grown wise in these past few years to the dubious returns of surrendering civil liberties to the state, of having our bags checked everywhere - London Eye; Hairspray; and The Royal Opera House check bags in London while the museums do not; somehow, that doesn't add up for me. I'm in a majestic bookshop on New Street in Birmingham, and certainly to confirm my suspicions, there are just as many books on the death of Christianity in Britain as there are books which attempt to murder Christianity everywhere. I did find, however, a nice biography on John Wesley by Roy Hattersley and The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. I may pick up the former. Lunch with Sally was pleasant and mirthful. We dined at a French restaurant nearby New Street - yes, Birmingham is a cultural capitol! Sally and I both tried their omelette, while her boyfriend had the fish, without chips. Conversation was light, the levity was there and so was our reminiscing about those fleeting moments during our first year in Hong Kong; it is amazing how friendships can resume so suddenly with a smile. On their recommendation, I am on my way to Warwick Castle - they also suggested that I visit Cadbury World, but they cannot take on additional visitors at the moment, the tourist office staff informed me, much to my disappointment! Visiting Warwick Castle really made for a great day out. The castle, parts of which were established by William the Conquerer in 1068, is as much a kitschy tourist trap as a meticulous preservation of history, at times a sillier version of Ocean Park while at others a dignified dedication to a most glorious, inexorably English past. The castle caters to all visitors; and not surprisingly, that which delighted all audiences was a giant trebuchet siege engine, which for the five p.m. performance hurled a fireball high and far into the air - fantastic! Taliban beware! 15.4.09 I'm leaving on a jet plane this evening; don't know when I'll be back in England again. I'll miss this quirky, yet endearing place; and that I shall miss Irene and Tom who so generously welcomed me into their home, fed me, and suffered my use of their toilet and shower goes without saying. I'm grateful for God's many blessings on this trip. On the itinerary today is a trip to John Wesley's home, followed by a visit to the Imperial War Museum. Already this morning I picked up a tube of Oilatum, a week late perhaps, which Teri recommended I use to treat this obstinate, dermal weakness of mine - I'm happy to report that my skin has stopped crying. John Wesley's home is alive and well. Services are still held in the chapel everyday; and its crypt, so far from being a cellar for the dead, is a bright, spacious museum in which all things Wesley are on display - I never realized how much of an iconic figure he became in England; at the height of this idol frenzy, ironic in itself, he must have been as popular as the Beatles were at their apex. The house itself is a multi-story edifice with narrow, precipitous staircases and spacious rooms decorated in an 18th century fashion. I found Samuel Johnson's house within a maze of red brick hidden alongside Fleet Street. To be in the home of the man who wrote the English dictionary, and whose indefatigable love for obscure words became the inspiration for my own lexical obsession, this, by far, is the climax of my visit to England! The best certainly has been saved for last. There are a multitude of portraits hanging around the house like ornaments on a tree. Every likeness has its own story, meticulously retold on the crib sheets in each room. Celebrities abound, including David Garrick and Sir Joshua Reynolds, who painted several of the finer images in the house. I have developed a particular affinity for Oliver Goldsmith, of whom Boswell writes, "His person was short, his countenance coarse and vulgar, his deportment that of a scholar awkwardly affecting the easy gentleman. It appears as though I, too, could use a more flattering description of myself! I regretfully couldn't stop to try the curry in England; I guess the CityU canteen's take on the dish will have to do. I did, however, have the opportune task of flirting with the cute Cathay Pacific counter staff who checked me in. She was gorgeous in red, light powder on her cheeks, with real diamond earrings, she said; and her small, delicate face, commanded by a posh British accent rendered her positively irresistible, electrifying. Not only did she grant me an aisle seat but she had the gumption to return my fawning with zest; she must be a pro at this by now. I saw her again as she was pulling double-duty, collecting tickets prior to boarding. She remembered my quest for curry; and in the fog of infatuation, where nary a man has been made, I fumbled my words like the sloppy kid who has had too much punch. I am just an amateur, alas, an "Oliver Goldsmith" with the ladies - I got no game - booyah! Some final, consequential bits: because of the chavs, Burberry no longer sells those fashionable baseball caps; because of the IRA, rubbish bins are no longer a commodity on the streets of London, and as a result, the streets and the Underground of the city are a soiled mess; and because of other terrorists from distant, more arid lands, going through a Western airport has taken on the tedium of perfunctory procedure that doesn't make me feel any safer from my invisible enemies. At last, I saw so many Indians working at Heathrow that I could have easily mistaken the place for Mumbai. Their presence surprised me because their portion of the general population surely must be less than their portion of Heathrow staff, indicating some mysterious hiring bias. Regardless, they do a superb job with cursory airport checks, and in general are absurdly funny and witty when not tactless. That's all for England!

Image from page 296 of "Highland Echo 1915-1925" (1915) best celebrity bodies
Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: Highland_Echo_1915-1925 Title: Highland Echo 1915-1925 Year: 1915 (1910s) Authors: Maryville College student body Subjects: Maryville College Publisher: Maryville, TN : Maryville College Contributing Library: Maryville College Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: the Department of?>lusic of the College, who has heardthe Weber Male Quartet, pronouncesit to be one of the best that she hasever had the privilege of hearing. Single admission will be fiftycents. Season tickets admit. THE WEBER MALE QUARTET. The Weber Male Quartet is in everyBense a high class organization, com-posed of four of the well-known con-cert and church soloists of New Yorkcity. An association of several yearsin successful concert and phonographwork has resulted in the beautifulblending, the clearness of enunciationand the artistic distinction which arethe essentials of a really satisfactoryquartet. The Weber Male Quartetis progressive in adding to Its reper-toire and by Its versaf^Ility and genialbearing has been unfailingly successfulwherever it has appeared. Few quartets have appeared beforesuch widely varying audiences. Thecritical assemblage of the metropolis,so often Including people of socialprominence or of artistic celebrity; thegreat gathering from the East side Text Appearing After Image: THE WEBER MALE QUARTET. settlements, whose eagerness and ap-preciation for the best are nothingshort of a revelation; the church so-ciety, with Its definite requirementsfor • distinctly refined entertainment;the club, where geniality and gentle-manly good fellowship are essentials;the Lyceum, which has the culturedsupport of the very best people; theChautauqua, with its wide appeal toall classesâ€"all these, whether in cityor village, have received the WeberMale Quartet with that hearty re-sponsiveness which is the artists rich-est reward. This quartet appeared before thePennsylvania State Educational Asso-ciation in December, 1014, and arousedgreat enthusiasm. The repertoire ofthe Weber Male Quartet U as variedas Its tadlences. The first of the series of eveningrecitals given by the graduates inMusic and Expression occurred onMonday night when Miss Mary JaneHartman of the Piano Department,and Miss Maude Pardue of the Ex-pression Department gave a pro-gram of surpassing interest. Th Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
