
Cool Business Funding images

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A few nice business funding images I found:

Sudan's MultiDonor Trust Fund in action
business funding
Image by World Bank Photo Collection
Kassala, Sudan: Mohammed Abdel Ati Alhusein’s is a successful business owner
in Kassala the capital of Kassala State in eastern Sudan. He bought himself one brick-making machine and used a microfinace loan to purchase the rest. Photo: Salahaldeen Nadir / World Bank

University of Huddersfield, REF candidate view
business funding
Image by jisc_infonet
This image is part of a larger collection on Flickr containing images created as part of work undertaken by 11 projects participating in the Business Intelligence Programme funded by Jisc between March 2011 and August 2012. More information about this subject and the projects’ findings can be found on www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/business-intelligence/.

The case study produced by the project can be found on bit.ly/bi-huddersfield.
