A few nice business help images I found:
Enthusiastic entrepreneurs
Image by Interact Egypt - Play Innovation
The meetup entrepreneurs were diverese coming from different backgrounds, mostly technical, but each one had his own story to share.
Interact Egypt Website
Interact Egypt Twitter Account
Interact Egypt facebook Fanpage
Interact Egypt Linkedin Page
Egypt Innovation Entrepreneurs Linkedin Group
Tweeting became more competitive
Image by Interact Egypt - Play Innovation
Attendees Tweeting the event speeches and in the exact middle of the picture, most active online lady, Dalia Al-Said tweeting word by word.
Interact Egypt Website
Interact Egypt Twitter Account
Interact Egypt facebook Fanpage
Meet Ups Twitter Hashtag #Estartups
Dalia Al-Saied Twitter Account @daliaalsaid
Interact Egypt Linkedin Page
Egypt Innovation Entrepreneurs Linkedin Group
Image by Interact Egypt - Play Innovation
Interact Egypt Website
Interact Egypt Twitter Account
Interact Egypt facebook Fanpage
Interact Egypt Linkedin Page
Egypt Innovation Entrepreneurs Linkedin Group