A few nice franchise business images I found:
Unicity Franchise partner owner
Image by mgysler
You search a new opportunity and you like Network Marketing. I looking forward to hear more about you.
Contact me: about.me/martingysler
Governor Rick Perry
Image by eschipul
Wow, what to do with Rick Perry. He was at a high point in this photo, deservedly so, speaking at the Houston Technology Center regarding the Emerging Technology Fund. A very pro business job creation program of investment in Texas.
Yet he is also the man behind the Texas Business Income Tax, a large business tax increase euphemistically called a "Franchise Tax". Sigh. I've chewed on this bone before, my main issue is I'm from Texas: so call it what it is. If I have to pay it, cool, but don't sugar coat it.
The real Rick Perry is of course a politician. He has to be. He has many constituencies to please. Personally I'd like a humanitarian fiscal conservative leader. But neither party seems to be able to provide that. I wish....
Update: I elaborated my thoughts on the Texas Business Income Tax on the Houston Chronicle here. No, I don't really know why I do these things and can't go with the flow with everyone else. I'm not that bright I guess. Can't help myself.
This photo is Creative Commons Attribution. Feel free to use it with "photo by Ed Schipul" next to the use. A link back to the photo on flickr is appreciated but not required.